[SC] trapped in the wet cave
[YCH] demon's food
[P] stuffing the green bird
[SC] getting caught again
[SC] getting catched by a villai
July Patron Reward #12
July Patron Reward #8
doomed in the villain tum
down she goes
little sleepy pro hero
June Patron reward #9
June Patron Reward #8
June Patron reward #6
committing vore in the wrong ani
excessive dose of Mischief
May Patron Reward #13
Bday cutie
last resort move
April Patron reward #5
sweet and tasty hero [WIP]
Wakey Wakey Claw
March Patron reward #5
Gift For Teatiffs
cuddly buddy
January Patron Reward #2
December Patron Reward #6
November Patron Reward #7
September Patron reward #4
September Patron reward #3
August Patron reward #4
couple catch
Backseat Gamer
Eat Your Friends 2021
Predatory Math
The Best Krystal
Sniffles (Nasal vore)
January Patron reward #6
Fox Bard
Nomming bear
The Hunt
Burger Joint
[Commission] the bot of prey
Regular Day
Alien noms
nommie boy and tasty girl
Missing Roommate
Recycling (Twitter)
Pins 2
little fleshy fishbowl
falling in the fate
Maid Service
Peace Treaty
Giraffe's Meal