From the Manga Spin-Off Saint Seiya: Meiō Iden - Dark Wing, this is Matsuri Mikagami, big brother of Cattleya (Athena's Incarmation on the Spin-Off) and one of Hades Specter, Garuda - one of the Three Leaders of the Underworld!!
I'll be participating in a Saint Seiya Zine and decided to draw Garuda Matsuri, so you can said that this sketch is a little practice for the char ;3
Must admit that I love his desing <3 hee hee~
Well, time to really start the sketch for the Zine, time pass too fast latelly~
Sketch done on a recicle paper, with my pencil & (lovely) mechanical pencil~
(C) Kenji Saitō / Shinshū Ueda / Masami Kurumada
Fan Art by Me
2022-07-13 03:43:57 +0000