奏多 「『鬼神の休日』って題名にしたかったけど、やめといた。(優が見た時の反応が怖いし。)」
玲奈 「優の寝てる姿初めて見たわ。これって、奏多が撮ったの?」
奏多 「ええ、色々うまく理由をつけて、連れ出してね。優って休みを全く取らないし。」
玲奈 「よく撮らせてくれたね。天才だわ。どうやったの?」
奏多 「それは、企業秘密よ。」
Holiday (Yu Himesaki) [photo by Kanata].
Kanata "I wanted to title it 'Demon God's Holiday,' but I decided not to. (I was afraid of Yu's reaction when she saw it.)
Rena "I've never seen Yu sleeping before. Was this taken by Kanata?
Kanata "Yes, I had to take her out for various reasons. Yuu never takes a day off.
Rena "How did you take her picture? You are a genius. How did you do it?"
Kanata "That's a trade secret."
2022-06-06 21:00:03 +0000