Spettro's Shadow


Spettro's Shadow ibelongs to the Origin Glyph's 3rd circle. It's LIthavanian name is Mauradine, a lesser deity of Divina Godve that would embody persona feeling at home in the shadows.
This glyph is one of many that allow access 'behind the veil', taking the physical form between the physical and spirit world known as The Bounds. The bearer of this glyph uses shadows as a medium point, much like gates, without requiring instant flux.

It takes time to bear the pressures of The Bounds as well as the mental fortitude, as those same pressures can disorient a weak mind. These unfortunate would be lost in The Bounds or destroyed by those that exist in the spirit realm. Those that master Spettro's Shadow can manipulate the veil to create transient copies and travel greater distances without leaving an imprint on the abyss.

Leien Edwin aka Transient Ebersuil bears Spettro's Shadow, A former assassin of Cematuar. He has become proficient with the glyph to the point he can for a brief time peel back the physical realm and encompass an area within The Bounds.
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2022-05-29 08:05:28 +0000