Randy in Sokobanland - Boxarts

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Randy has been trapped in the Net-Cube of Sokobanland. Beat all 48 levels by collecting the Memory Qdatas in the area by moving the boxes, collecting net-points or getting the power coins to break the cracked bricks.

This game is an spin-off from the upcoming game Randy & Manilla, and it was made in lessof one day with Nes Puzzle Maker.

Randy & Manilla page link: https://randyandmanilla.weebly.com/
Nes Puzzle Maker link: https://puzzle.nes.science/home
Online play link: tps://puzzle.nes.science/play/1309d53e-e537-46d3-9881-f47174a43aa1/Randy-in-Sokobanland
itch.io: https://ofihombre.itch.io/randy-in-sokobanland
IndieDB: https://www.indiedb.com/games/randy-in-sokobanland/downloads/randy-in-sokobanland


2022-05-16 16:43:56 +0000