Laura the Snow Leopard

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And now for the next character in my cast of Pink Panther and Sons OCs.

This is Laura, a 12 year old snow leopard who hails from the great north, Canada. She is very quiet, shy, and likes to be by herself when doing some of her favorite activities which include examining and crafting gems. She has a fine eye for it since she is a part of a species of people who hold a crystal energy inside them passed down from her deceased mother whom she had a close relationship with before her passing. It explains her quietness cause she used to be a playful child but has mellowed out. Though that doesn't mean she will not want to talk to you. You just need to gain her trust and treat her nicely in order to have her open up. Being the youngest, she is the one who is still learning from the world around her. She does need more training when it comes to her powers and use of her crystal blade that her mom forged for her. She has powers inside her that she needs more practice with in order to achieve potential that she feel she may not have, but her friends help teach her to get better and become powerful wielder of crystal energy

Crafting Gems and jewels
Eating sweet treats like cookies
drinking milk
Penguin stuffed toy

loud noises
Being yelled at

She wears her favorite blue hoodie that her mother got for her. She wears her hood a lot of the time to feel more comfort and close to her mother. It, in a sense acts as her form of keeping to herself and shyness especially towards those she is new to.


2022-04-29 05:52:24 +0000