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-English version are from page 5 to 7, English caption is below JP-

前回まとめたFEHの堕ち表現 illust/97529993 に続き、FEシリーズ本編8パターンの堕ち顔を自分なりに解釈して5人の描いてみたかったキャラに当てはめてみました。4ページ目以降は英語版です。

Following the summary of corruption expression, illust/97529993 I've summarized my own interpretation of the Corrupted Face on Fire Emblem series and put them onto 5 characters I've ever wanted to draw. I made Witch and Hegemon faces less horrible than the actual version. Last example is what I want to try in the future.
I tried to draw Seliph and Julia looked different but similar in some parts to express their connection of blood.

#fire emblem#FE#corrupted#Celis#Julia (Fire Emblem)#Eirika (FE)#Ophelia (FE Fates)#Annette Fantine Dominic#フォデス#アネット=ファンティーヌ=ドミニク(22歳時)

2022-04-23 09:05:27 +0000