Illuminate the Future

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Zelenin (ゼレーニン) and Protagonist (主人公) aboard the Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号), in hopes of what lies beyond the Vanishing Point (バニシング・ポイント).

I amused myself by including both Arthur (アーサー) and Louisa Ferre (ルイ・サイファー) in the scene -- I'm sure they were both looking upon my in-game choices with disappointment 😅

I think my biggest missed opportunity in this piece was not making the Vanishing Point the actual vanishing point of my perspective lines for the background U_U;

Digital (Photoshop) 5400 x 3600 px
Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey (真・女神転生 STRANGE JOURNEY) © Atlus (アトラス)
Artwork © EerieAyres

#megami tensei#shin megami tensei#megaten#Atlus#Strange Journey#ディープストレンジジャーニー#ゼレーニン#タダノヒトナリ#Lui Cifer#レッドスプライト号

2022-03-25 18:33:07 +0000