Title:Deja Vu - Uki Violeta Original Lore Song
Lyrics & Composition:Uki Violeta
Original Ver.:https://youtu.be/pxtGwAtBSjQ
Originally Produced By:Pretty Patterns、Julia Stein
Original Instrumental Ver.:https://youtu.be/5SHRhB1QfIk
Please go support the original version! They really did a great, wonderful job!!!
And thank you Pattern for allowing me to make the piano cover sheets, I really appreciate it.💜
Since this score was made by ear, sorry if there were any mistakes.
Also, please do not reproduce / reupload the sheets.
Feel free to use it, but don't forget to credit.
Once again, thank you so much!
2022-03-23 07:08:27 +0000