Glyph of the 3rd Ring of the Origin Glyph. Claymore enhances the attributes of the conjurer in the cognitive, but when bore upon the flesh it permanently enhances. The drawback of this is the bearer is numbed to the stresses and injurers put upon the body. Claymore is also one of the conjurets possessing a synergic relationship with the magik sword, Penumbra. It is one f the few instances a connection can be drawn to the Penumbra away from the Crimson Rule and once worshipping Divina Godvi, as in the mythos, Klebores bore a great sword and crossed into the Sangaea's darkness in search of the goddess, Luna or known in relation to her second face, Penumbra.
The glyph is comprised of a great sword before a full moon and several comparisons to halves (Sangaea and Aurestes). Scholars and practicioners speculate there is a deliberate disconnect between mind and body to further the importance if not reverence for the tale. Kolonian scholar, Aurică believes an isoteric understanding must be taken overall with the Origin Glyph. In this, Claymore and Sword Penumbra were meant to be wielded together, but not necessary. The true connection he believes goes deeper, that the Bloodlust gran glyph and Claymore are counterparts in more than similarities.
To avoid the side-effects of Claymore and the berserker state of Bloodlust, the two must come together as Klebores was brought back by Penumbra's blood after his madness leading to suicide. using both a gran glyph and 3rd tier glyph at the same time is even beyond most Penumbra, let alone the repercussions, so the theory has yet to be tested nor is it known if it had in the time of Lithavania's sorcerers.
2022-03-13 16:05:49 +0000