I will delete Megi's pics

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After Megi deleted his account, I uploaded Megi's pics instead with Megi's permission.
Recently, however, Megi decided to create an account again and upload the pics himself.
So I decided to delete the pics of Megi that I posted for Megi's smooth activity.
If you followed me after looking at that signed pics, follow Megi now.
Megi will upload the pics I have uploaded so far again.
Thank you so much to everyone who has seen the pics I have uploaded so far.
Please support Megi from now on.

Megi's Pixiv - user/5302743
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCthviz8ElYCTl2h6hjfWmXQ

I might not delete a few pieces(ex. commission)


2022-03-08 13:13:29 +0000