A deep and sadly warm gaze falls from her eyes. She es Sophia, goddess of knowledge; who, according to the gnostic myth of creation, is responsible for everything in this spacial and temporal plane.
This illustration was inspired directly by the myth, told in the ancient text known as Pistis Sophia. At the same time, the tale came to me thanks to a song from the metal band, Draconian: Sorrow of Sophia, wich is the greatest banner of their beautiful and dark latest album (by this time), called Under a Godless Veil.
In this work you'll see the great eye of Yaldabaoth: the Demiurge in this tale. He is the bastard son of Sophia, born by mistake when she pretended to give a tribute to the One god above all, up there in the Pleroma. Yaldabaoth is foolish and blind, he thinks that he's God by himself, and jealous by the souls passing him by in their way up back to the Pleroma, spreads a veil of material and temporal darkness, defining our reality and our existential pain. He interferes, thanks to his archons, in the way of the soul, ascending to find true freedom.
Sophia, mother of everything, "cries out in torment" - Draconian says - and guides through her sorrow all those souls trying to find the path amongst all the waters of Yaldabaoth. Only her gift, the knowledge, or well, gnosis, as a profound fruit of inner reflection a discernment, will grant all those who walk her path, to real illumination, and finally to the Pleroma.
Of course, this is described as philosophers and psychologists like Gustav Jung and James Hillman as a deep and mystic process to the self in the inner dimensions of the soul; but none for that, it must lose its sense of mystical, dark, sorrowful, touching and poetic beauty, reflecting some visions and expressions of the spiritual world, far beyond of that we all usually know. 🖤
Hope you like it, and love it, as much as I did making this!
Remember to check in my Instagram profile. May you'll find something that's not here in Pixiv. ;) Please, remember to like, comment, save and share! That would be incredibly helpful. Thank you! ❤️
2022-02-07 08:06:10 +0000