The Law is the Law


Here's a picture of Hansel and Gretel's father, Alois, receiving yet another dressing down from one of their biggest detractors. PC Rupert, the town's policeman.
His first encounter with the twins came when Gretel persuaded Hansel to go bottomless in the town for the first time. They'd usually just done it in the forest away from everybody, but on this occasion, they went bottomless in public, running through the town gleefully. A few people in the village raised their eyebrows at their little game of "Touch the Tushie" but overall, they didn't really seem to mind.
PC Rupert did though, as he caught them when the two bottomless twins ran into him during his beat. He warned them that baring ones bottom in public is a violation of the law.
Gretel, not wanting to listen to anyone who told her not to be free, mooned him cheekily and was met with a truncheon whack on the tushie for her actions. Gretel argued back against the officer and Hansel joined in. This seemed to make PC Rupert angrier as he listed the twins' descriptions in his book under the heading "Regular Indecency Law Breakers" and warned them that he ever catches them being bottomless around town again, he would have words with their parents.
He then forced Hansel and Gretel into their clothes that they'd taken off earlier, only for Gretel to point out that she was in Hansel's lederhosen and he was in her dress. PC Rupert just said it was tough luck if they were in each other's clothes and if they swapped them back in public, then they'd be going bottomless again and giving him ample opportunity to book them again. So...they did it anyway.
This lead PC Rupert to complain about Hansel and Gretel to Alois. The twins' father tried his best to convince the officer to not be too strict with the two of them and show some restraint to the laws of public indecency since after all...they were only children. But alas, it was no good. As PC Rupert constantly reminds Alois...
"The law is the law and we can't change it for anybody."


2021-12-23 21:48:54 +0000