Commissar Jaune and tech priest Ruby looking for some ancient technology for the glory of the Emperor.
I was just reading Ciaphas Cain story Death or glory really liked it and got to a part where it just talks about how one mechanic girl with a mechadendrite tail ish the hooked up at the bottom of her spine that he somehow knew about wink. Just he kinda reminded me of Jaune in some stories I read he's a normal guy who is a badass sometimes but just doesn't want to deal with any of the crap happening to him heh. I pictured Jaune here is the Commissar and he has a power sword old family sword and is working with the tech priest Ruby who is a Archaetech in finding some ancient tech but she's interest in his old power sword and bothers him most of the time when their not fighting those filthy xeno's
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2021-11-20 20:49:20 +0000