2021 November Thread

Exit Calimari

Request thread from November, where users could request what they wanted, and I'd picked the ones I liked the most.

If you'd like to participate, there's a poll in DA concerning whether to have another thread or a raffle in December up.

Featuring (clockwise from the top):

Donniediaps, wanting V from Murder Drones;
Plague-Rats, with their OC Salem (no tattoos or bruises, not into that unfortunately);
Terribibble, with a smol diapered Pibby;
PrinceOliviaBatt, who wanted a diapered Bitch Pudding (props for making me type that lol);
Volukzy, being TG'ed and regressed;
TFSyndicate, with their OC Kathleen;
@4x3lJ0su3, with Colette wearing a Spike diaper;
and finally TheAmazingTGWriter, TG'ed and stuck in a jar after a spell gone wrong~


2021-11-19 10:27:01 +0000