*8* Witch's Brew 🌟


This is it guys, a conclusion of my project of "The Week Doodles of Halloween".
I cant be I go by slowly, starting with black and white so I can animate in color. Also, I go by simple before proceeding to more advanced level to bringing it to life tho I will still be making it simple.

Honestly, this journey wasnt that easy but its really fun. It improves me not only in animating it really well but an inking digitally. When I begin drawing, It was quite challenging as it may seem but its actually exciting. You just have to be patient and thats the main key of animators.

Anyway, Im gonna take my rest for now until then. 😴 Thank you guys so much!
See ya next time! 😊

🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃


2021-10-24 06:05:14 +0000