KK Studio Treasure mod

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The desires of humankind are limitless, and just as greed and material needs limit and destroy, they also forever push us forward.In this case, you can bestow the same gift on your Koikatsu characters and laugh at their suffering.

Most are colorable, but matedit will have to be used on some.

- Butterfly Jewel
- Cameo
- Coin Bag
- 2x Coin Pile
- Coin Single
- Gem
- Jewel Skull
- Jade Dragon
- Jeweled Mask
- Medallion
- 2x Necklace
- 3x Cash Pile
- 2x Cash Rolls
- Gold Bar
- 5x Jewelry & Valuable cases
- 2x Treasure Chests (open and closed)
- 3x Treasure Piles
- 2x Trophies

Installation: REQ: Sideloader/HFpatch- Drag and drop .zipmod into "mods" folder in primary game directory (with the .exe in it)

Free DL: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55854469


2021-09-07 01:50:52 +0000