Double Horror Month Days 1-4

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Here are the first four days of Double Horror Month.

Day 1 - Golden Werner is trying to tell Werner Werman (in his Five Nights at Murine Corps form) to stop hunting down people (whether or not they are innocent), but Werner refuses and tells him it's too late. Poor Golden Werner.

Day 2 - Nightmare Pogoriki (in Huriki form) is planning on having his victims bow down to him considering that he desires world domination and eternal night.

Day 3 - Dark Mistress Booga is at Maleficent's castle, minding her own business.

Day 4 - Human!Optimus Prime (who is dressed as a ghost) is a real ghost and is haunting the humanized Decepticons (especially Megatron and Starscream). Welp, they're dead.


2021-09-04 05:35:07 +0000