WtV: Shuttle Front


WtV: Faction Asgard: Shuttle Silverdove, Front/Left view

The Asgard Silverdove is a rugged shuttle craft.
It is based on the Silbervogel design by Dr. Eugen Sänger from around WW2.

However, it is a slightly enlarged variant and using several advanced technologies.
It's drives ovver only a little bit thrust than Sängers design, however, they are much more reliable and lighter.
Similarly the entire airframe is more lightweight whilst being more rugged.
Long landing legs with relatively large wheels allow the Silverdove to land on most meadows and beaches.
As a result of its better power-to-weight ratio, the Silverdove can achive a stable orbit at about 400km altitude,
whilst carrying a cargo of about 4 metric tons along.
Whilst doing so, it is capable to carry two refuels for its solid/gas hybrid fuel auxiliary drives ( one reload per drive ).
With these, the Silverdove is capable of reaching and even landing under its own power on the moon Asgard.
However, such a trip cuts the safety margins very thin and is not adviseable with a full cargo load.

Wingspan = 17,5m
Lifitng body length = 30m
Length with fully extended aerolance = 34,5m
Maximum Speed before Brennschluss ~ 30.000km/h
( Sufficient for a stable earth orbit )
With one reload for the two auxiliary boosters, a Silverdove can reload whilst in orbit and then make it to the moon.

Color Coding:
Yellow = Fuel and Engines
Orange = Control Systems ( Cockpit, Radar, Deorbiting Aerolance )
Brown = Athmospheric Control Surfaces
Light Gray = Thrusters
Red = Docking Collar / Airlock
White = Human for size comparison

A default flight path usually is as follows:
Catapult start from a habitat or a space station.
Athmospheric braking for reentry to Midgard.
Unassisted launch using the main booster and the two auxiliary thrusters.
Reload auxiliaries in orbit.
Boosting to the moon Asgard.
Using most of the remaining fuel for a pre-landing slowdown.
Landing on a magnetized runway or catcher-sled on the surface or
slowing to a hover and over a landing pad and doing a gravity assisted vertical landing or
slowing for a rendevouz with a moon-orbitals docking bay.

The more typical flight path is:
Catapult start from a habitat or a space station.
Athmospheric braking for reentry to Midgard.
Unassisted launch using the main booster and the two auxiliary thrusters, using the highest acceleration the crew can handle.
Reload main booster from inside the cargo bay whilst the auxiliaries are still firing.
Reload the main booster or the auxiliaries past the geosynch orbit.
Slowly decellerate.
Coast to the Lagrange point and dock with Fenris space station.
Repair and refuel.
Low power transfer or Boosted transit to Asgard orbit.
Using drives for a pre-landing slowdown.
Landing on a magnetized runway or catcher-sled on the surface or
slowing to a hover and over a landing pad and doing a gravity assisted vertical landing or
slowing for a rendevouz with a moon-orbitals docking bay.

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2021-08-07 22:22:36 +0000