Alas, so long as the music plays


-we dance.

Been playing Dragon Age a lots lately, 100% playthroughs of all 3 games
Finally decided to draw my favorite heroes and their companions

back row: Hero of Ferelden (mine), Zevran and Dorian
front row: Anders, Hawke (mine) and Inquisitor (mine)

Hero of Ferelden (Nitro, Arcane Warrior, Spirit Healer, Battlemage )
Hawke (Denir, Diplomatic, Spirit Healer, Force Mage )
Inquisitor (Xeavlen, Knight Enchanter)

(Hero of Ferelden and Zevran from Dragon Age Origins
Anders and Hawke from Dragon Age II
Dorian and Inquisitor from Dragon Age Inquisition)

Their wolrd state:

really looking forward to play DA4 when it comes out <3

art by me
Nitro, Denir & Xeavlen charas my PC charas
Zevran, Dorian & Anders charas by BioWare


2021-05-22 23:59:28 +0000