"I came upon,
The most hauntingly beautiful doll, in my dream.
She knelt weeping,
On a ledge in a strange place.
Facing the dizzying height,
My knees buckled,
I slunk to the narrow footing,
That seemed to be the only floor in this vast expanse.
"Doll! Why do you cry? Please, where are we?"
I managed to stammer out,
Casting my gaze wide in terror.
Startled, she quickly stood,
Fell away,
I could only manage to stand.
Without hesitation for my own safety I jumped after her.
Only to fall opposite,
Accelerating at impossible speed.
Stars streaking like lines.
I woke with a jump so hard,
I'd swear the bed was shifted.
Fingers clutched white with grip,
Holding tight the covers for comfort.
I've never felt more helpless in my life.
That doll... My greatest fears... She knew."
2021-05-04 14:22:52 +0000