Tau Gue'Vesa armies (Part I)


This is the first part of the largest commission I have ever done; it aims to explore the many different factions of humans who have joined sides with the Tau and are granted access to their technology. All of the ideas and writing was created by the commissioner, Vice Grip, with the visual design and illustrations done by me. Most of these are his original ideas, except for the Order of the Common Weal which is apparently a fanon faction, enhanced with some unique little additions.

There is a part two to this coming out eventually that will feature the non-human auxiliaries of the Tau. But for now, please enjoy this wonderous exploration of everyone's favorite 40k xenos faction!

Illustrations done by Jchrispole

Concept and writing provided by Vice Grip

Warhammer40k is a Games Workshop thing


2021-04-22 15:19:55 +0000