Xenarites from across the galaxy


Like Hereteks, there is an absense of "xenarites" within official 40k lore. The closest we get is the dlc for the Mechanicus game but it only explores necron xenarites. In this study I wanted to imagine what Xenarites that combat different aliens would look like. This is sort of like a model conversion but done in sketch. Whatcha think?

Got any other ideas for alien factions in the 40k universe that I missed? These are the big 5 but I know there are a lot more. Aside from Xenarites, what are some other unexplored aspects of the 40k universe I might be able to do a future piece on?

This piece was drawn by me in photoshop.

warhammer40k is a Games-Workshop thingie.


2021-03-01 16:47:32 +0000