進撃LOG 8

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Do not repost or use all/any part of my artworks for whatever reason. I post them only on pixiv. Reposting by others make me sad and discourage drawing. I don’t allow you to use them even if you give credit. So I don't reply to message asking for permission to use my artworks.

アニメ化とは、原作で味わったしんどさを 映像・声優・音楽等の効果をもって3倍増しで再び味わう苦行である。


#Attack On Titan#104期生#childhood friend three person squad#Eren/Mikasa#Armin/Annie#クリスマスの悲劇#laughing till my stomach hurts#始祖ユミル#incredibly cute#進撃の巨人20000users入り

2021-02-13 09:09:18 +0000