I wasn't intending to make this. It just kind of happened! LOL
Recently, I've gone back to the very start of my manga to improve the story (pacing, etc.) and improve the artwork where feasible. In the process of adding a new sequence at the very beginning, I wanted to revise the design of the Verifer 2 with the 10+ years of art experience since I originally came up with it. That process steadily progressed into things like 'I need a variety of heads to differentiate the main characters' etc., which morphed into 'how can I organize all these new designs?!?' This piece is the result of that process.
As usual, I think I've written too much text into the 'sheet'. LOL And while some parts of the art are still at a rough stage, I'm quite satisfied that it reflects the published Macross Chronicle that this piece is based on (including the frustrating data descriptions! LOL)
I can't say that this has been an easy or frustration free process for me. However, the finished piece is all the more rewarding for that.
2021-01-11 10:04:57 +0000