"Qari Port is a far away small port from Ferrington city. It is quite humid, plaged with seagulls, algae smells, industrial equipments, containers... It tends to be a gray place... I work here with heavy machines.
One day, I saw a Cobra, which I have seen wandering between the containers and metal junks. She caught my eye when I noticed her darkwave/gothic style.
I was wondering, who is she? Why she came here in this cold rusty place? What she's looking for?
I tried to not make any noise but...She looked at me... With her dark green eyes.
...I felt paraliced"
Gift drawing for my girlfriend, today it's her b-day! (well, it was yesterday actually)
Art by Vandclash
Posted using PostyBirb
2020-12-23 13:14:56 +0000