This commission was made for Oshachu7755, who wanted to see Videl, Reimu, Trucy Wright, and Bernadetta all brainwashed by some kind of virus. Ill-timing, maybe, but the sickness in this comic is 100% fictional so it has no relation to current events. Plus it's what I was asked to make, so I was mostly trying to fulfill the commission requested. Anyway, I started with trying to recreate the "Metal Virus" from Sonic IDW for 3D, but I really wasn't liking the way the models were looking so I scrapped that. Still, I kept the zombie-like angle for this one and that ultimately created the "Red Mist" version you see here. Thankfully we don't have to deal with anything like this...but this is being released in 2020, so if it did, would anyone be shocked? Enjoy!
2020-12-20 15:47:41 +0000