Synopsis: 13 year-old Arata Sedai has been desperately searching for his biological father to find proof if he is alive. One night, Arata got lost while camping with his mother. He was thinking that he was being led back to his family by a mysterious creature called an Okuri Okami; instead, it lead Arata into a land of Izumo, a land of Gods. Upon entering Izumo, Arata is told that Okamishin, a High Wolf God, needs help on restoring Izumo from the hands of a group of evil Yokai called the Yomi Faction, who wants to destroy Izumo. Will Arata find a way to save Izumo from being destroyed and bring back his long lost father from death?
Concept art of characters in progress!
I might make a Kickstarter for this once the concept is finished!
2020-10-20 18:01:26 +0000