Bunnail Adoptable #01 [closed]


price : 7.5$

My Rules:
Do not resell for higher price.
You can get it without a background, if you prefer.

Bunnail #01
body: regular
ears: cape-like (uncommon)
shell: none (common)
color: white (common)
eyes: bug (uncommon)
pupil: star (rare)
antenna: round (common)
transparency: yes (uncommon)
extra eyes: yes (uncommon)
glowing parts: yes (uncommon)

Bunnails are a closed species. They're based on snails and bunnies,
but may have features of starfish, octopus and similar sea animals.

Bunnail species rules:
- giant ears which act as a foot (3 toes)
- jelly-like, squishy body. small in comparison.
- huge eyes, sometimes with 2-4 extra bug eyes.
- snail antennas
- may have a snail shell on their back

Bunnail Original Species (c) hollow-shell


2020-10-09 12:07:59 +0000