Shigemaru vs Choosan & Takei


🚨Justice vs Madness (For the 8th Ep from FKBU)
🚔by: #Sharayanime
🌟HD in Twitter:
Note: clover studios owes me a fight between those three. my respects for Choosan. I need Haru and Daisuke to send the holy shit to Shigemaru

Spanish-Note:Quiero mi pelea entre ellos, T___T !!!! no se vale
#ไดสุรุ #富豪刑事BUL #FugouKeijiBalanceUnlimited #Fanart #FkbuFanart #FugouKeijiBalanceUnlimited #ShigemaruVsChoosan #shigemarukanbe #Choosan #Takei

#sharayanime#The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited#FugouKeijiBalanceUnlimited#仲本長介#ไดสุรุ#Choosan#Takei#shigemarukanbe#ShigemaruVsChoosan#fanart

2020-09-10 06:21:26 +0000