#시계 를 키워드로 해놓고 묵혀둔 소재를 #윤봉길 의사와 #김구 선생님의 시계교환으로 재해석 했다. 다만, 지정한 숫자는 9라는것으로 죠죠의 DIO를 예상했던것 같다.
This time is Korea Liberation Day Annivasary. (15th Aug)
Keyword is #Clock (or #watch ), and number is 9.
I thought She was going to become DIO (JJBA).
But finally, She became one of Liberation Activist.
Yoon Bonggil exchanged his Watch with Kim Goo before independence movemenT.
#마스터오브이터니티 #MasterOfEternity #모에 #노엘 #윤봉길 #시계 #독립운동가 #광복절 #strastella
2020-08-19 07:32:32 +0000