Millennium Angels in Love - Prev


Nova and Ange, in the previous life incarnations as Universe 4's Millennium Angemon and Angewomon; unbeknownst to Lucemon and his army, they were in love (☆▽☆)

Although being aware that it was a forbidden fruit, that digital angels should be above desire couldn't be helped, their souls were tied by the red thread of destiny...


I enjoyed drawing this piece very much , I will never grow tired of drawing this couple . It's my guilty pleasure :D
This is just a preview as the complete piece will remain in patreon (although it isn't a nsw artwork) as I poured my entire ♥ in it
Still, as a preview, they look radishingly beautiful and ♥♥ hopefuly , someday, the Toei fellas will allow them to will be shown without their helmets in the series♥♥

In patreon =>


2020-08-15 23:03:37 +0000