Brim Ba'Ael


To be fair, much of the Bible is not systematically malevolent but plain and absurd. If it were malicious and not absurd we would have written it ...
Para ser justo, gran parte de la Biblia no es sistemáticamente malévola sino simple y llanamente absurda. Si fuera malévola y no absurda la hubieramos escrito nosotros...
#DarkPrincess #Demon
#Devil #HellGal #DemonGirl #diabla #Evil #Lucifer #HellGirl #悪魔 #悪魔っ娘 #дьявол #демон #демон_девушка

#DarkPrincess#demon#devil girl#Devil#HellGal#HellGirl#Demon#DemonGirl#Evil#Bael

2020-07-14 04:34:24 +0000