

Xian: Warning Two wrong grids at the left leg!!

绫、弦:大家好呀( ̄ω ̄;) 咳咳 欢迎来到我们的频道
Ling, Xian: Hello... Welcome to our channel

Ling: Today we are going to draw Lan Wangji

Xian: CP of Wei Wuxian YEAH!

Ling: Keep monastic style is the key to draw Lan Wangji

绫:所以蓝色要选浅一些 清冷一些的颜色
Ling: So choose some light and chill blue would be better

Xian: Is something missing at his cloth?

绫:哈哈哈... 你们什么都没看到
Ling: Hahaha Draw some black grids to fix it

Ling: I draw Wangji Chin

Ling: Wangji Chin is a Guqin

Ling: So dark brown is a good choice

弦:这琴的一角怎么没了?(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Xian: Why the corner of it is missing?

绫:哈哈哈... 你们什么都没看到
Ling: Hahaha... You didn't see anything wrong

绫:偷偷修改 什么都没发生( ̄︶ ̄)↗
Ling: Fix it slinkingly Nothing happened

绫、弦:那么 我们下次见了~
Ling, Xian: So see you next week

绫、弦:如果你喜欢这个视频 别忘记一键三连
Ling, Xian: If you like this video Please follow subscribe and like us

#Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation#Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian#Lan WangJi#pixel art#挖了个坑#拼豆#pixel art#perler#handmade#perler beads

2020-07-12 15:33:21 +0000