BlackWarGreymon ブラックウォーグレイモン

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I talked with another Digimon fan on youtube about drawing #BlackWarGreymon which made me check out other fanarts.
It was sure that I don't want to draw it in a battle pose because BlackWarGreymon impressend me with all these questions about the meaning of life.

The past years have been "tough".
The relationship with my family is still pretty broken, but beside all my health issues I managed to put all my strength together, get my degree and against the will of my parents travel back to the country I call my home, build a life, get a place to stay, get a job, get friends, just get some peace, a little bit freedom.
Through all that time I thought a lot about the meaning of life, about the society, all the injustice, about who I am and how to emotionally deal with not being understood by my family.
In the end I think I have more in common with BWG than initially thought.
What about you?



2020-07-04 14:55:20 +0000