This is the Windows Life Comic Episode 1 (Part 1)
Windows Life is a project that I've been developing years ago, it's about how 'Windows' would be with a human form, as well as the 'OS-Tan', but in this case, in my way, the story is about how a certain company despite adopting the already remembered 'MS-DOS', decides to renew its purpose, in selling OS based on commands, in a window-based interface, and decides to call it 'Windows'. Creating two years later the version 1.0, it creates a success in the company, but, unfortunately, a terrible setup error occurs in Windows 1.0, which alters the company and the product and decides to create 1.01, then 1.01 decides to know a little more about its creation. Do you want to know more about the history of Madobe Saisho?
2020-06-26 01:29:18 +0000