I never saw Mirai Nikki and don't intend to. But somehow one of my best friends started liking anime precisely because of this good-concept-badly-executed story, and I decided to draw a fanart to give her as a gift. I never expected to like it this much - I put a lot of effort into it, not in the character but into the background, and I love everything about the result: the gradient of the fluid and the lights, the quite realistic drops of blood, the crows in the background, how the character is partially covered in shadow, the "character-as-her-mad-self" looks creepy behind her and contrasts with the moon, the perturbed look and the characteristics of the face of the character, the clothing with blood stains... It surprised me, honestly. This is from between [2016-2018]. Setp-by-step: https://anilyan.tumblr.com/post/190554916225/fanart-18-link-to-the-portuguese-post-www-i
2020-06-12 11:47:27 +0000