Crystalline cave gathering


Watercolour painting on paper featuring a set of Temtems - which, in turn, are creatures from TemTem, a Pokemon-esque game that is currently available in early access on Steam. Setting itself tries to mimic in-game environments at least somewhat - not my first pick of surroundings from regions that are available as of now, but at the very least that one encompasses most of the group I wanted to depict without stretching it.

TemTem ( テムテム ) belongs to Crema.

Medium: watercolour + ink + gouache on watercolor paper
First fully coloured artwork after work-triggered hiatus. If there is a step towards improvement to be found here, it is a substantial lack of "gotta save the painting somehow, because this isn't looking even remotely as good as it did in my head!" phase that plagued nearly every of my coloured artworks so far.

Artwork available also on my deviantART page:


2020-04-24 18:09:45 +0000