Galactic Patrol 2020 — Blasting Through Alien Waves In Outer Space
An rocket spaceship traveling out from the Planet Earth about the endangerment alien hostiles from the Planet Mars have corrupted on galaxy, The pilot his own way travel outer space to destroying all the alien species threat.
Note: This is the very first art contribution and collaboration with Monkey Byte Development, LLC. Family-friendly revived being Galactic Patrol to back alive within rebooted planned this year.
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Project Leadership
Lead Artist
Lead Art Direction
Traditional Artist
Conception Art
Lead Artist Department
(Pencil Line Sketches, Color Design, Color Details, Black Line Sketches, Watercolor Background Arts, Acrylic Background Arts)
Lightning Art Effect
Traditional Artist / Art Creation
Fighter Ship Design
Art Contribution of Monkey Byte Games
Galactic Patrol 2020 Groups Crew
Lighting Photograph Of Program
Social Media Analysts / Graphic Art Design / Lead Art and Animation
James Emirzian Waldementer
Production Contribution with Monkey Byte Development, LLC.
MBD Games Crew
CEO of Monkey Byte / Business Marketing / Creator of Galactic Patrol
Yon Hardisty
Lead Art and Animation / Graphic Art Design / Social Media Analysis
James Emirzian Waldementer
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Lead Art Direction: James Emirzian Waldementer
Independent Game Development Studios and Media Production: James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co.
(Small in-house Studios, Mai Ngam, Muang Tak)
American Independent Game Development Studios Company and Production Collaboration with: Monkey Byte Development, LLC.
(Monkey Byte Development HQ, Castro Valley, California)
Hashtag: [[ #James_Software_Co #GalacticPatrol #Galactic_Patrol_2020 #GalacticPatrolReborn #MBDGames #MBD #MonkeyByte #Monkey_Byte_Development #Software_JamesEmirzianWaldementer #James_Emirzian_Waldementer #James_Taylor_Art_Style #Outer_Space_Theme #GalagaStyle #SpaceInvadersStyle #IndieGame #HomageIndieComputerGames #2D_3D_Art_Effects #Traditional_Artist #Collaboration #ProductionContribution #James_Software_Co_HomeTek_Studios #James_Software_Co_Games #RampZampSoftware #IndieComputerGames #WindowsGames #FamilyFriendlyGames #Galactic_Patrol_Revived #GPatrol #Galaxy #Shooter #Aliens #Spaceship #RocketGunShips #Stars #Planet #Earth #Mars #AlienSpecies #PoweredUp #MonkeyByteGames #GP_2020 #Galactic_Patrol_Game ]]
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Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer
Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer
Copyright (c) 2001,06,09,13,17 James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co.
All rights reversed.
2020-04-20 16:18:53 +0000