Quick Sketches and figuring out the design for this character.
Unlike my full body chibi-ish drawings, this one is more mixed styles to get a hang of coloring her hair.
Pretty much repurposing a character who never really got to be developed properly to what I liked so. Why not do that now.
The only thing she kept was her name cause that was the really only good thing about her, other than that just scraped cause I didn't enjoy the idea.
She's a young goddess of love or how one of the characters from that world would call her - A mini version of her father
She loves to change her appearance but her preferred appearance will always be iridescent hair with hot pink eyes. I couldn't really decide on her skin color because all versions looked good. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Has of habit of going around finding both drama and people who would be great as a couple.
Is very picky about who she goes out with.
Tends to be friends or around other god/goddesses who enjoy a good rumor or two, along with sharing finding that the mortals have made.
Disguises herself as a normal elf to be a priestess for her father and gives advice to those who seek for it.
2020-03-30 10:50:51 +0000