The exploration of the ruined tower didn't revel very much, she found the place was already be ransacked during the battle between the two empires. However, she could figure that the said towers where likely build by an older culture which no longer exist and its function, wasn't much as military asset, but rather ritual, since its windows often point only toward the center of the island.
After that she returned to nearby outpost, to visit the local library to finish her paper and send it to the Erudilema Research Institute.
考古学的な場所を探索しても、新しいことは何もありませんでした, その場所は帝国間の戦いの間に略奪されました。遺跡はもはや存在しない古い文化に属していました, 彼女は、その場所は軍事資産ではなく、儀式の場所であるとしか考えられませんでした。
2020-02-15 19:05:37 +0000