See You


To Qinni:
I'm not a fan of you, by which I mean I don't follow/watch your DA or twitter but time after time I'll always see your art on the internet and think to myself: "that is a really nice piece" or "I really love the colours on this one".
It's no exaggeration to say that you are definitely one of the most famous artists of the past few years, to the point where people can see your art without even having to search for them specifically, and now with your passing the world has felt a blow, and I felt it too.
For the fast few days since I've been constantly reminded of this loss and even though I try to move on to other stuff there's always been a sense of hollownes in my chest that i can't shake off. The knowledge that you've been battling your demons for this long, what your family and friends must be going through right now.
I hope you can see from the stars the support that people from all over the world are giving to your family, and I wish you can rest easy In the galaxy free from the pain and suffering you've endured.
You've immortalized yourself though your art and you will forever be missed. Your legacy will be permanently etched in stone and in our hearts.
See you in the clouds.


2020-02-12 16:46:21 +0000