So not many people know that the version of Ah Heck!! I submitted to the Tokyopop contest had two more pages that featured Jerri as if she were to be the next girl sucked into the program. It was ultimately discarded in later versions. In Faux Facts, Jerri was originally much more of a scaredy-cat and I had this idea about the evil bunnies from Ah Heck!! crossing through her mirror in her room to get her which was why she was scared of being a bunny in the Just Desserts story. But since that universe became much more of a longer native than a series of stand-alone shorts it never happened. Anyway, this is a long way to say that a Patron liked the idea of bringing the universes back together for this image. Jerri is being attacked after putting on a strange dress that popped on a pair of bunny ears and a tail.
2019-12-09 20:11:21 +0000