Apex Legends - Caustic


"Yes, I've heard about criminals posing as Legends, and they're as derivative as they are pathetic. Take this prison break. I admit there are similarities to my modus operandi, but the cloud formations... that's where they went wrong. My gas wafts through the air as if dancing with death. Not like the spray of some hick fireman's two decade old extinguisher, as shown here. Anybody with a tenth of my brain power can see this for what it is: amateurs playing dress-up in a desperate attempt to gain notoriety. But considering your banal, lackluster brand which you dare call 'journalism'? A tenth of my intellect is giving you far too much credit. Do you have any more questions that might illuminate your ignorance? Very well. Enjoy your day." - Caustic
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2019-12-06 15:21:51 +0000