Cocoa and Chino fan art


「ご注文はうさぎですか?」のファンアートを描きました (^ω^)

I made a fan art of the anime: Is the order a rabbit?
This is my second anime fan art and it’s the first time I tried drawing anime characters with background. I really want to make a fan art of this anime for a year now since it’s extremely cute.
For this piece, I have to practice a lot of perspective drawing and coloring. It may look a little bit weird though.

Feel free to give me feedbacks 😉

#Woodframetown#Gochiusa#Chino#Cocoa#Is the Order a Rabbit?#Is the order a rabbit?#Chino#Cocoa#Cocoa Hoto

2019-12-04 15:46:11 +0000