KAMIJO and red roses

L. SaintCroix

Watercolor on 300g cellulose paper. There's a little contour with india ink on his gloves, sleeves and coat. :>
A5 size. Qor watercolors, Pentel, Windsor and Newton and Pestilento (the black color, it's a national brand. :D )

KAMIJO once again, but I am really really proud and happy with that result. One of my favs so far for so long.
Today is my birthday, happy to be posting this this day. :3
Not planned, so it's an coincidence.

The contrast was so strong on my mind, the red and the black. It's rare for me to use black color without a color base, such as yellow ochre or raw umber. That time the simple idea was use black. As you see, the black from Pestilento is a warm black I appreciate very much.

I really love that, just like I love KAMIJO. lol

That time is not from any fanproject, however I was thinking about to enter something. I'll see with my italian friends.

Hope you like it. <3


2019-05-27 22:55:40 +0000