Family training DBA


-Piccolo, I'll put on a glass of fresh water that Nema does better than Veho and Semal in training this afternoon. -It provokes Goku knowing what the student is capable of.

-Do you trust her so much anyway knowing that my students train much more rigorously? -Piccolo said with a serious expression.

-Of course, I think we should have faith in their potential and even yours. I will not be here for much longer and if I did not believe you, who would? -Son rarely showed such maturity which leaves Piccolo somewhat afraid, but also thoughtful about the future.

Some times unfortunately do not come back.

I had wanted and intended to make an art of my characters together for a while, although they are brothers and it's kind of strange to draw them together. Especially with Goku who is the cousin and the master Piccolo of two of them. Sweating a little...

It should have been an Easter holiday project, but you see it was more complicated than I thought.


2019-05-02 19:12:59 +0000