"The body was peeling away, cracking open like a pod, droozing a quivering cheezy bladder-the delirious, gelatious body of Nyarlathotep."
"It was massive. by some abominable fusion, it swelled to twice the size of the body it hatched from. Its surface was covered with something sticky, a black sap, bubbling, running off at the sides, carrying with it beds of pearls,
shiny curdled clods of milk, thick clusters of eggs."
"Rapf couldn't take his eyes off the thing. It was hovering a few meters off the ground, its jelly sac bloated with webs of blue-pulsing veins. Tendrils, lion-red, flayed open around mouthlike gaping seams that writhed below the bulbed body. The tentacles were pushing it off, in o the air, and it was lifting, its hideous rippled hulk was raising up over the puddling mess of its cocoon. "
- A.A. Attanasio, The Star Pools
Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook from my Great Old Ones & Their Kin series for an upcoming Elder Gods Tarot project
2018-12-06 15:32:01 +0000