Walking in the woods alone without her crescent moon to ride on,Cesela/Cynthia was lost in the woods. Walking around aimlessly,she did not realise that she was walking her boots into a sticky situation.
Originally just ignoring the squelching mud under her heels or just letting out an adorable “Eww....”,her heart jumped when her boots was suddenly swallowed by the mud.
Not wanting to be trapped,she squirmed and squirmed,jumped and jumped,again and again as long as it could mean getting her precious boots free from the muck. Unfortunately,none of them worked,as her boots only sank into the mud. However,thankfully they sank only a little,would be bad if her boots submerged completely,as it it would lead to dirtying her stockings.
“Mou....now what do I do?” Cesela/Cynthia asked herself,annoyed at how easily this mud held her (and her precious boots) hostage so easily)
Cesela/Cynthia - Aceyeon/Kamekun
Sticky Glue Parts (old) - DoltMePly
Bright Forest - SachiShirakawa (https://www.deviantart.com/harryhack91/art/Forest-by-SachiShirakawa-494294573)
2018-10-09 09:19:17 +0000