
Zan Zanryu
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He is based on the classic version of OC, "Zan Zanryu"/彼はOCの古典的なバージョンに基づいています、「ザン・ザンリュ」: (illust/70513718)

His outfit is for his age in the sequel within my plans for my Scenario 2.
"Rival Leaders Campaign for Supremacy"
>> 彼の服装はシナリオ2の私の計画の中で続編の時代のものです。

"The Blue Dragon Strikes, soar to the Azure Sky, blazing at the speed of wind, heals within the spirit by its loving moonlight..."

#original#original character#ザン・ザンリュ#ZanZanryu#SRPG#SRPG_Studio#Hero#ザン#Blue#swordsman

2018-09-20 20:52:35 +0000